Bashir Baraki

Bashir Baraki: Photographic Survey 1980-87
A survey exhibition of Lebanese-born, Australia-based artist Bashir Baraki’s photographs from 1980-1987. Works included portraits of the hands and faces of Peter Booth, Beatrice Faust and Bruce Pollard, as well as more recent works that focused on the male nude...

You Are Here
May, Agenda, Review
Brother Sister, You Are Here, Bashir Baraki interview
ACCA Press Release...

The Thousand Mile Stare
A Victorian Centre for Photography bicentennial project that comprised a survey exhibition of photographic practice from the last 25 years.Curated by Joyce AgeeExhibiting artists: Jennifer Aitken, Robert Ashton, Bashir Baraki, Chris Barry, Robert Besanko, Terence Bogue...

Imaging AIDS
...was made to over 80 artists, any artist could exhibit. Garry Adams, Greg Ades, Bashir Baraki, Craig Bird, Stuart Black, Chris Capper, Jon Cattapan, Kim Donaldson, Vince Dziekan, Neil Emmerson, Malcolm Enright, Fraser Fair, Merilyn Fairskye, Fiona Hall, Brent Harris, Ian Howard, Leahanne Hunter, Riva...
