Stephen Birch

Stephen Birch:
Civic Minded
For several years Birch had been working with the form of the tree in his mixed media sculpture. In the exhibition Civic Minded, trees were variously made of fibreglass, papier maché or polyurethane and exhibited curious changes in morphology. Some had sprouted feet...

Tom Nicholson: Public Meeting
...edited by Amelia Barikin and Helen Hughes, includes an introduction by Aileen Burns, Max Delany and Johan Lundh, along with an ambitious collection of essays by leading Australian and international writers, art historians and cultural theorists, including: Amelia Barikin, Tony Birch, Brigid Crone...

Stephen Birch:
Civic Minded

Tom Nicholson: Public Meeting
Lundh, along with an ambitious collection of essays by leading Australian and international writers, art historians and cultural theorists, including: Amelia Barikin, Tony Birch, Brigid Crone, Anthony Gardner, Helen Hughes, Annika Jaspers, Ryan Johnston, John Mateer, Minhea Mircan, Grace Samboh...

Tom Nicholson: Lines toward Another
Lundh, along with an ambitious collection of essays by leading Australian and international writers, art historians and cultural theorists, including: Amelia Barikin, Tony Birch, Brigid Crone, Anthony Gardner, Helen Hughes, Annika Jaspers, Ryan Johnston, John Mateer, Minhea Mircan, Grace Samboh...

Book Launch: Tom Nicholson: Lines towards Another
The publication includes an introductory essay by the editors, along with writings by Tony Birch, Bridget Crone, Jacqueline Doughty, Anthony Gardner, Anneke Jaspers, Ryan Johnston, John Mateer, Shelley McSpedden, Mihnea Mircan, Grace Samboh and Ann Stephen, which give compelling insight...
Press Release
Influential Australian Artist Series 2019 Tom Nicholson: Public Meeting
...the publication includes an introduction by Aileen Burns, Max Delany and Johan Lundh, along with an ambitious collection of essays by leading Australian and international writers, art historians and cultural theorists, including: Amelia Barikin, Tony Birch, Brigid Crone, Anthony Gardner, Helen...