Neil Roberts

Fact: An Installation, Publication, no. 6.
Kent, Penelope Lee, Michael J. Liddle, Anne Lord, Bruce Macdonald, David McDowell, Kim Mahood, Leon Marvell, Antony Moulis, Anne Neil, Marcus O’Donnell, Melissa Ogden, Simon O’Mallon, Emma Palmer, Andrew Petrusevics, Barbara Pitman, Ian Rhodes, Lyn Riddett, Neil Roberts, Bernhard Sachs, June Savage...

Inland Robert Owen
Exhibiting Artists: George Alexander, Suzanne Barta, Terri Bird, Joan Brassil, Paul Carter, Tony Clark, Aleks Danko, John De Silento, Neil Emmerson, Rosalie Gascoigne, Joan Dickson Grounds, Graeme Hare, Tim Johnson, Penelope Lee, John Lethbridge, Geoff Lowe, Robert MacPherson, John...

The Thousand Mile Stare
Christopher Koller, O. Philip Korczynski, Andrew Lehmann, Angela Lynkushka, Peter Lyssiotis, Ruth Maddison, Bill McCann, Craig McGee, John O’Neil, Bernie O’Regan, Polixeni Papapetrou, Wes Placek, Dyranda Prevost, Tim Rowston, Bernard Sachs, Wolfgang Sievers, Robert Slatyer, David...

Uncanny Nature
Nature proposed that nature has always been mediated by culture, whether through an engagement with the picturesque or the conceptual.
Exhibiting Artists: Hany Armanious, Christine Borland, Tony Clark, Neil Emmerson, Anne Ooms, Richard Giblett, James Ireland, Michael Landy, Robert Macpherson...

Imaging AIDS
...was made to over 80 artists, any artist could exhibit. Garry Adams, Greg Ades, Bashir Baraki, Craig Bird, Stuart Black, Chris Capper, Jon Cattapan, Kim Donaldson, Vince Dziekan, Neil Emmerson, Malcolm Enright, Fraser Fair, Merilyn Fairskye, Fiona Hall, Brent Harris, Ian Howard, Leahanne Hunter, Riva...

Uncanny Nature
ACCA's 2006 exhibition, Uncanny Nature, contains text on works byPaul Sietsema, Tony Clark, Christine Borland, Noël Skryzpczak, Michael Landy, Alex Pittendrigh, James Ireland, Richard Giblett, Neil Emmerson, Nick Mangan, Robert MacPherson, Anne Ooms and Hany Armanious.

Uncanny Nature catalogue
ACCA's 2006 exhibition, Uncanny Nature, contains text on works byPaul Sietsema, Tony Clark, Christine Borland, Noël Skryzpczak, Michael Landy, Alex Pittendrigh, James Ireland, Richard Giblett, Neil Emmerson, Nick Mangan, Robert MacPherson, Anne Ooms and Hany Armanious.
Rewind: Inland – Corresponding Places
Joan Brassil, Paul Carter, Tony Clark, Aleks Danko, John De Silento, Neil Emmerson, Rosalie Gascoigne, Joan D. Grounds, Graeme Hare, Tim Johnson, Penelope Lee, John Lethbridge, Geoff Lowe, Robert MacPherson, John Nixon, Robert Owen, Mike Parr, Stieg Persson, Marie Sierra, Imants Tillers, Jennifer...
A Conversation with Jenepher Duncan
Danko’s What are you doing boy? and other exhibitions by Jenny Watson, Janet Burchill, Robert MacPherson, Terri Bird and Fiona MacDonald were presented during that first year, which also included the Monash/ACCA partnership survey exhibition, Off the Wall/In the Air...