Rose Nolan

Other People
An exhibition of nine artists that coincided with the launch of ‘150 Victorian Women Artists’.
Curated by Vivienne Shark Le Witt
Exhibiting artists: Jane Cocks, Imelda Dover, Amanda Laming, Ruth Johnson, Yolanda Malakowski, Elizabeth Newman, Rose Nolan, Deborah Walker, Karen Ward...

Geometric Abstraction
...legacies of mainstream modernism, constructivism, minimalism and conceptual art.
Curated by Sue Cramer and John Nixon
Exhibiting artists: Tim Burns, Peter Cripps, Leslie Dumbrell, Melinda Harper, Robert Hunter, Robert Jacks, Robert MacPherson, John Nixon, Rose Nolan, Robert Owen, Peter Tyndall...

Up the Road: Contemporary Artists out of the Victorian College of the Arts
...and unfamiliar works.
Guest curated by Gareth Sansom (ex Dean, School of Art, Victorian College of the Arts)
Exhibiting Artists: Lauren Berkowitz, Steven Cox, Brent Harris, Louise Hearman, Bill Henson, Tim Jones and Jon Campbell, Linda Marrinon, Lewis Miller, Rose Nolan, Susan Norrie, Stieg Persson...

STEM in Public Art
Key Idea 2: Structure and Function
...and learning. The structure and function dimension is a key theme in the artworks of Inge King, Vicki Couzens and Rose Nolan. The structure and function dimension looks at how structure and function informs systems and processes and considers purpose, function, materials, systems and equipment when...

Who’s Afraid of Public Space?
View the full exhibition program here »
Who’s Afraid of Public Space? is a multifaceted project of exhibitions and programs exploring the role of public culture, the contested nature of public space, and the character and composition of public life. The exhibition continues ACCA’s Big Picture series, which explores contemporary art’s relation to wider social, cultural […]
Rewind: Geometric Abstraction
...of that younger group of Melbourne artists who would later be associated with Store 5 gallery (1989 –1993) — Gary Wilson, Rose Nolan and Melinda Harper — were exhibited in a public art gallery alongside some of their teachers and mentors. A range of approaches were in evidence, from the hard...

Who’s Afraid of Public Space? Exhibition Kit
Rose Nolan, Screen works (ENOUGH/NOW/EVEN/MORE/SO) 2021
Reko Rennie, Remember me, Stolen Generations marker 2017–18...
Education Space: Creating Art in Public
Meadmore, Kent Morris, James Nguyen and Victoria Pham, Tom Nicholson, Rose Nolan, Open Spatial Workshop (Terri Bird, Bianca Hester, Natasha Johns-Messenger, Scott Mitchell) Reko Rennie, and Steven Rhall...
What is Public Art?
...are a more unusual example of applied public art. Artists are invited to propose ideas for an artwork specifically tailored to feature on the exterior surface of a Melbourne tram. This example is by artist Rose Nolan, who chose to create a text-based composition that wrapped all the way around...

STEM in Public Art: A Focus on Women
...and connected to ACCA programs: Vicki Couzens, Wurrrunggi Biik: Law of the land (2021); Maree Clarke, Barerarerungar (2023); Inge King, Forward Surge (1972 – 74); Deborah Halpern, Angel (1988); Susan Hewitt and Penelope Lee, Great Petition(2008); Rose Nolan...
Press Release
Who’s Afraid of Public Space?
Menta, Kent Morris, Callum Morton, Jacqui Munoz, Jenny Ngo, James Nguyen and Victoria Pham, Tom Nicholson, Rose Nolan, Georgia Nowak, Open Spatial Workshop (Terri Bird, Bianca Hester, Natasha Johns-Messenger, Scott Mitchell), Oscar Perry and Esther Stewart, Kerrie Poliness, Reko Rennie, Steven Rhall...

Who’s Afraid of Public Space?
Tom Nicholson Rose Nolan...
Press Release
Announcing ACCA’s Summer Season – Who’s Afraid of Public Space?
...with The Social Studio / Outer Urban Projects / Youthworx, John Meade, Eden Menta, Kent Morris, Callum Morton, Jenny Ngo, James Nguyen and Victoria Pham, Tom Nicholson, Rose Nolan, Georgia Nowak, Open Spatial Workshop, Oskar Perry and Ester Stewart...

A world of One’s Own can be political.
Additional resources: Jennifer Higgie on Instagram, At home with Rose Wylie...

Tai Snaith: A World of One’s Own
...nbsp;Dadirri (deep listening) - Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr...