Stephen Hall

Fact: An Installation, Publication, no. 6.
Exhibiting Artists: Davida Allen, Andrew Arnaoutopoulos, Kate Brennan, Warren Burt, Colin Campbell, Alan Cruikshank, Carolyn Eskdale, Janet Gallagher, Marion Gaemers, Jane Graham, Paul Hewson, Stephen Hall, Julie Higginbotham, Timothy Hill (with Jack Price), Leigh Hobba, Clint Hurrell, Berni Janssen, Jane...

Site of Execution: 28 Artists in One Week Exhibitions
Andrea Paton, Louise Paramor, Kym Sansovini, David Thomas, Hiram To
Week 3: Alan Ginn, Michael Kelly, Dette Mifsud, Cameron Robbins, Joanne Ritson
Week 4: Stephen Bram, Russell Goodman, Michael Hall, Lewis Miller, Carole Roberts
Exhibiting artists: Christopher Beaumont, Stephen Bram, Malcolm...
Press Release
David Rosetzky: How to Feel
...project in ACCA’s exhibition hall from August 9th.How to feel brings together a diverse group of people in what appears, loosely, to be a study of a studio-based therapy and exercise workshop. Over the course of a single day, confidences are shared, personality traits discussed...
Press Release
Painting. More Painting ACCA’s main exhibition hall that brings together works by over sixty senior, mid and early-career Australian artists, offering audiences the chance to draw on the many diverse conceptual, polemic and stylistic connections that exist between generations. Works in the panoramic section...
Press Release
Defining Moments: Australian Exhibition Histories 1968-1999
First Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, 1993
Speaker: Doug Hall, AM, writer, critic and a former Director of Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (1987–2007)
Monday 21 September...
Press Release
Influential Australian Artist Series 2019 Tom Nicholson: Public Meeting
...and shifting borders. The Shellal Mosaic later inspired the decoration of the Hall of Memory at the AWM created by artist Napier Waller. Nicholson takes inspiration from both mosaics by creating a new set of glass-tile mosaics created with mosaicists Rafat Al Khatib and Renan Barham at the Mosaic Centre...
Press Release
ANNOUNCING – Overlapping Magisteria: The 2020 Macfarlane Commissions biologist Stephen Jay Gould in an attempt to argue that science is informed by empirical facts in the material world, while religion and spirituality are subject to moral, ethical and emotional influences, and that neither aids in an understanding, nor discounts, the other; that is, they do...
A Conversation with Jenepher Duncan the outgoing director, Grazia Gunn who had planned the program around a tripartite structure of ACCA Experiments, ACCA Wallpapers and ACCA Rooms. Solo exhibitions of such artists as Stephen Bush’s Claiming show, guest curated by Naomi Cass, Aleks...