He An


He An:
Do You Think That You Can Help Her Brother?

Inspired by the city lights and tenebrous urban narratives of Beijing, He An’s installation Do You Think That You Can Help Her Brother? creates a form of urban poetry from retrieved heritage signage which is swiftly disappearing from the skyline due to the rapid transformation of Beijing’s...

the only way out is the only way in: Douglas Gordon

Douglas Gordon appropriates images from popular culture and other sources to create his signature videos and photographic installations.  He first came to prominence in 1993 with the work 24 Hour Psycho, a slowed down version of Alfred Hitchcock’s iconic film, and since then he has...

John Meade: Propulsion

Propulsion was a video projection installation depicting two male bodies in different kinds of motion: the first riding a motorbike at high speed when a tear forms in the corner of his eye; the second on a moving walkway which moves so fast that he loses his footing...

Gabrielle Di Matteo: History Stripped Bare

History Stripped Bare revealed recent work by Di Matteo, one of Italy’s leading painters - although he did not paint in this project. Instead, he directed one of Italy’s well-known Neapolitan copyists, Salvatore Russo (who usually painted versions...

Paul Taylor Memorial

Paul Taylor (1957–92) was an Australian art critic, curator, editor and publisher. In 1981, he founded Art + Text, a contemporary art journal considered to be responsible for generating and promoting postmodernist discourse in Australian art. Taylor also worked as a curator (Popism, National...

Keith Haring in Australia

...in the forecourt of the Art Gallery of NSW. While in Melbourne, Haring was involved in the Fashion Design Council’s Moomba event ‘An Hour of High Velocity Fashion’ where he executed several body paintings. He also completed a publicly sited outdoor mural at what was then the Collingwood Technical College...

Ramesh Mario Nithiyendran: Polymorphic Figures

...in 1989, spending his early years considering familial practices of Hinduism and Catholicism. Within these different spheres of worship, he became fascinated by the contrast and similarities of figurative representation, leading to an extensive body of work dissecting and reframing figurative forms...

Mark Galea: Model

Mark Galea’s practice explores the principals of movement and motion, often referred to in his paintings. On this occasion he applied his interests to real space with a 90 degree rotation intervention in the middle gallery at ACCA. The floor was moved to a wall, the ceiling was relocated...

David Cross: Vicious

...in a tightly confined space. This space was a specially constructed, elongated hollow timber rectangle, reminiscent of minimal sculpture from the 60’s. The audience could interact and communicate with Cross as he moved up and down the box on a trolley system. Over the period of a week, Cross...

The ACCA wallpapers: Rick Amor

...which time he completed three large-scale charcoal drawings. These drawings were shown in conjunction with several small bronze sculptures. In the Press...


...back and forth against perfectly balanced animations, each depicting an idealised place. The effect was weirdly disorienting. Across these eight screens, Wise explored the possibility of discovering arcadia within the digital age. He represented animated versions of popular seaside scapes. Wise...


...works from memory. Rather than focusing on replicating material researched, he allows his mind to wander, allowing his subconscious to guide the decision making process. This haptic approach to art practice links the artist’s hand to the subconscious, the work becomes a form of documentation...


...doesn't need a coach, he just need a couch15 March, The Age, Playing at art...

Ruark Lewis: Transcription Drawings 1988-1992

...a sequence of free graphic associations on a musical theme… He was not seeking to capture visually the composers intentions or (perversely) to perform his music silently. His aim instead was to represent the act of listening.” (Paul Carter, exhibition catalogue...


The inaugural exhibition for ACCA @ MIRKA featured 20 ‘circle head’ portraits and three ‘mirror works’ by Stuart Ringholt.Ringholt’s images resemble the effects of retinal lesions: a kind of blindness - yet re-vision. In these works he...

Callum Morton: Babylonia

...12 October, The Weekend Australian, Callum Morton24 October, Herald Sun, Faking it while he makes...

Belles-lettres: Maureen Burns, Gail Hastings, Virginia Ward

...that examined the definition of sculpture. As the viewer read the work he or she entered both the physical and fictional space, becoming an active participant in the narrated event.3. Virginia Ward: His Our HersAn installation of three lists under the headings...

David Noonan: Scenes

David Noonan returned to Melbourne with this significant project which extended his abiding interest in time and space. Using ACCA’s large room as a field of encounter, he created an ensemble of works in 2 and 3 dimensions that make purposeful use of the audience’s own navigation...
Steve Parker Sonic Meditation (for Exploded Marching Band and EEG monitor) 2023

Sonic Meditation (for Exploded Marching Band and EEG monitor)

...avant-garde composer – to highlight the virtues of listening. Steve draws upon her contributions to music and the idea of ‘Deep Listening’, tuning into the subtleties of sound in daily life to guide us toward new practices of listening to ourselves and others, without judgement. He believes...

Gerard Byrne:
A late evening in the future

In this first scene he is revealed listening over them and adding new commentary to reflect on recent years. Byrne’s exhibition makes use of the metaphor of this history of recordings, bringing together a dense accumulation of his own video works spanning more than fifteen years. Throughout his varied...

Christian Capurro:

...photography, print, video and installation.  His work is process-based and conceptually oriented.  He is known for his  “erasure projects”, where the pages of glossy magazines were erased over a long periods of time using rubbers or correction-fluid.  In Another Misspent...